Council staffer told to perform tasks for Local 98
Councilmember Henon had his taxpayer-funded council staff perform work on behalf of John Dougherty that was only peripherally related to council concerns, according to Holroyd’s testimony today.
An example is Holroyd’s work on a deal between Comcast and Dougherty in 2016 over which workers would install the company’s cable lines and how much they would be paid. Those discussions occurred months after the city’s own negotiation with Comcast over renewal of the company’s franchise agreement — its contract to operate a cable network in Philadelphia — had already been settled.
Henon is charged with helping Dougherty insert himself into the franchise negotiation, and extract concessions from Comcast, in exchange for a bribe in the form of a salary for a no-show job at Local 98.
Just before a crucial final deadline for a council committee vote on the franchise agreement in December 2015, Henon asked Comcast’s lead negotiator to meet in his office with Dougherty. Holroyd, who was present at the meeting, said Dougherty described holding up legislation earlier in his career in a successful effort to get council members and the mayor to take him seriously. Dougherty said “it could very well happen again” with the Comcast bill, Holroyd said.
The committee subsequently voted to release the franchise agreement measure, and the full council approved it later that month. But Holroyd’s work helping Dougherty win concessions from Comcast was just beginning.
From December 2015 through May 2016, Holroyd worked on a letter that would memorialize Comcast’s agreement to hire only union contractors affiliated with the Building & Construction Trades Council, an umbrella organization headed by Dougherty, for certain types of cable installation work. Those workers would receive federally regulated “prevailing wage” rates.
Holroyd’s contact at the Trades Council was Local 98 official James Foy, who used him as a kind of secretary to edit the letter. At one point Foy emails a draft of the document in a format Holroyd is unable to modify, so Holroyd tells Foy he will “rebuild” the document in different software.
“This is you working to write up the private agreement between Comcast and Dougherty?” Witzleben asked Holroyd.
Hockeimer objected to her use of the word “private,” so Witzleben rephrased the question. Holroyd said he understood that he was “reconstructing” an agreement between the cable giant and the union boss.
“How are you making out with the draft?” Foy wrote to Holroyd in May 2016.
“Just been slammed this last week,” Holroyd apologizes, referring to his core responsibilities as Henon’s legislative director. “I hope to have something by the end of the day.”
In July 2016, Holroyd was finally able to send out a final version of the letter, which he said had been subject to “much review and referral with Councilman Henon.” Hockeimer asked if he knew whether the terms in the letter were ever put into effect, and Holroyd said he did not know.
Holroyd said he also did various other tasks to help Local 98 during the two years he worked for Henon. For example, a political consultant with ties to the union often came to Henon’s office to type up reports on council meetings for Dougherty, and frequently had technical problems he would ask Holroyd to help him with.
Holroyd, who left Henon’s office in 2018, said he was occasionally asked to investigate construction projects that had been brought to the council member’s attention by Local 98 officials and others. Dougherty frequently asked Henon and other council members to have the Department of Licenses & Inspection investigate projects being done by non-union contractors, according to previous testimony in the trial.
In some cases Holroyd, was told to investigate worksites that were not in Henon’s councilmanic district, the 6th district, violating the tradition of councilmanic prerogative. “It generally was not the practice of a district councilperson to look into … properties in another councilmember’s district,” he said.
Prosecutors produced emails from Local 98 official Robert Bark about projects in West Philadelphia and other areas outside the 6th district, which Henon forwarded to Holroyd with instructions to contact Bark and find documents to help his investigations.
The trial, now in its third week, is taking place two years after federal prosecutors brought a sprawling 116-count indictment against Henon, Dougherty, and several people with ties to Local 98. The charges have been split into two trials, with the current case focusing on the bribery charges against Henon and Dougherty. It is expected to last another two to three weeks.
Disclosure: The Electricians Union Local 98 represents engineers, camera personnel, editors, audio and maintenance techs at WHYY.