As cases signal fall surge, state officials urge caution
With daily case increases now paralleling the spring surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, numbers may indicate another wave of rapidly spreading coronavirus cases.
The state’s health care systems are now better prepared to address the virus than they were earlier this year, Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine has pointed out. But she said in a release Tuesday that Pennsylvanians “must all do [their] part” to prevent a rise in hospitalizations as cold weather and flu season approaches.
Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration has encouraged Pennsylvanians to hand-deliver mail ballots immediately, reiterated guidance on hand-washing and mask-wearing whenever possible, and updated a list of travel recommendations for state residents returning from other states. Officials are also asking that residents download the COVID Alert PA app to make exposures more easily trackable.
Pa.’s outbreak plan for nursing homes
Most long-term care facilities aren’t set up to deal with the effects of a pandemic, particularly one that disproportionately affects immunocompromised and elderly populations. That means that when COVID-19 outbreaks occur, the effects can be rapid — and deadly.
The state’s Regional Response Health Collaborative is intended to coordinate clinical, operational, and educational support to long-term care facilities facing coronavirus outbreaks. In Southeastern Pennsylvania, that support is provided by medical experts from Penn Medicine, Jefferson Health, and Temple Health.
“When a facility is identified at risk or has positive test results, we are notified to do a rapid response mission to identify what the facility might need,” Kristen Vogl of Jefferson Health said in a press call Tuesday. “A rapid response consists of quickly assembling subject matter experts from across Jefferson to address key areas, whether it’s infection control and prevention, PPE, or behavioral health.”
“Each facility is extremely different, there’s no two that are alike … it really takes a lot of time to figure out what the needs are,” said Laura Porter of Penn Medicine.
Every day at 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., leaders from the Regional Response Health Collaborative, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Health meet to discuss requests for resources, COVID-19 facility cases, and other support needs. Combined, the agencies can provide a level of support that the long-term care facilities couldn’t match on their own: testing capacity, a response team of trained medical experts, and more.
But that support could go away. The program is set to expire Dec. 1, although state Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller said her department is trying to extend it until the end of 2020, and is working with federal partners to allocate additional funding so that support for the collaborative can last as long as the pandemic does.
“This program could disappear just as it’s needed most,” Miller said. “It’s strengthening our response and our preparedness for COVID, it’s keeping people safe, and it’s saving lives … we’re now at a point where we have a system that’s working [and] we cannot lose this resource.”
It’s become clear that the pandemic will not be over by the time the funding expires. And if the program does end, it’s unclear what state support for long-term care facilities will still exist.