Philadelphia is seeing an uptick in shootings and homicides throughout the city: a 14% increase in homicides since last year and a 9% increase in shooting victims, according to the police department.
But violent crime, specifically within its “pinpoint grids,” is continuing to decrease, officials said during the press conference. Outlaw credited this to the department’s “Operation Pinpoint,” which identifies areas where violence has been concentrated and consistently deploys officers to those locations. In some of the pinpoint grids, she said, there are double-digit decreases in homicides, and six districts have seen double-digit decreases in non-fatal shootings.
“We still have a lot of work left to do, and we must continue to chip away at the violent crime that’s touching every single one of our communities,” she said. “We, despite reduced resources, continue to make a record number of gun confiscations and then arrests. As of today, we are 167 gun confiscations short of what we recovered just all of last year.
“We know that these grids are smaller parts of the city that’s driving the largest percentage of the crime. If we’re able to continue to sustain and increase the gains that we’re seeing in these pinpoint areas, ultimately what should happen is that citywide the numbers will go down. That’s what we’re working toward,” Outlaw added.