Griffin co-authored a report from the National Academy of Sciences last year detailing what the U.S. needs to do to collect more genomic data about the coronavirus. One of the other co-authors, Julie Segre, a geneticist at the National Human Genome Research Institute, said the U.S. also needs to be able to link patient data to genome data, so public health officials can quickly figure out whether someone infected by a variant of the coronavirus had traveled outside the U.S., had particular health conditions, or had been vaccinated against the virus. Segre said countries like the U.K. had linked their national health systems to their sequencing infrastructure, which made case investigations much easier.
Ideally, she said, researchers would be able to sequence samples of the virus where they are being collected and processed already. That’s the case at the Delaware Public Health Laboratory, where the staff tests for the coronavirus and sequences some of those samples from positive tests. The goal is to sequence all the samples that come in, said Rebecca Savage, microbiology and sequencing lab manager.
Savage said the Delaware Public Health Laboratory had started sequencing samples in September and is now able to sequence around 60 samples a week, as well as sending others to the CDC. The goal is to more than double that by training additional microbiologists and using a machine to automate some of the more time- and labor-intensive steps that the staff currently does by hand.
The CDC has set a national goal of sequencing 7,000 samples a week. Aside from public health departments, a consortium of universities and commercial, government, and nonprofit labs around the country are doing some of this work as well.
The New Jersey Department of Health also is ramping up the sequencing capacity in its lab, which stands at 160 samples a week right now, said Edward Lifshitz, medical director for the department’s Communicable Disease Service. He said New Jersey needs to add equipment and train staff.