And how do you get six-year-olds to socially distance? “Well, we’re just going to have to talk about that,” she laughs. “I’m hoping to do it through song…I’m hoping to talk with them about how we make sure we want to learn as much as we can, and even as teachers, I normally call myself old Ms. Davis, as old as I am, I’m learning new things.”
With little children, she adds, “you never know when they’re going to grab you and give you a hug. That’s something that we’re going to have to talk about.”
She will miss the hugs. What she craves most is being with her students. Since being forced to teach online, “I did embrace the technology, and learned more than I ever thought I would.” Still, it wasn’t the same. “There’s nothing like students being with their teacher in a classroom, there’s no substitute for it.”
As for the coronavirus, she trusts that both the schools and families have learned enough to take the proper precautions “to lessen the chances.”
So, yes, she said, she anticipates doing in-person teaching in the fall. She relishes it, almost – so many things to talk about with her children, so many teachable moments.
When she went shopping for a face shield, for instance, “I was looking at a lot of the reviews, [they said] ‘oh, don’t get this one, it looks nice, but it’s cheaply made.’ And then having those kinds of conversations with the children, not going into detail, but just letting them know, you have to be able to read and embrace learning to read, because reading gives you great information so you can make great decisions.”
Bigger than that, there is the country’s reckoning with racism to confront, with young children in one of the city’s poorest, most segregated neighborhoods.
It’s not like she never talked to her first graders before about discrimination and racism, although she might not have called it that. Dick’s student population is almost entirely Black, with a smattering of mixed race and Latino children. And it is overwhelmingly low-income. “Sometimes the children will say ‘we don’t have any white children here,’” she said.
Explaining why to six-year-olds is not an easy conversation. As a child she was well aware of the white flight that swept Strawberry Mansion when families like hers moved in during the 1950s. She herself attended almost completely segregated schools until Girls High.
She tells them things she thinks they can understand. When she is teaching them to read, she relies on a painful history lesson. “At one time in our country, there were people who looked like Ms. Davis who couldn’t do certain things because it was against the law to learn to read. And they’ll go, ‘that’s stupid,’ and I’m like, ‘Isn’t it silly? That doesn’t make any sense. So that’s why you need to embrace reading, because there was a time when it was against the law.’ So we talk about these types of things.”
But never, she said, “with the aim of trying to say that all people who look a certain way were good, or all people who look a certain way were bad.”
This year, after George Floyd and the ongoing reckoning over the country’s racist underpinnings, they might be more acutely aware of discrimination. They may ask more questions. And what will she tell them?
“You keep talking to them about how people are the same but we’re different. And then how some people keep more emphasis on the difference [as opposed to recognizing] that we all bleed, we all sleep, we all eat…we all sometimes get sick, we all have happy times, sad times, amazing times.”
And then she uses the garden analogy, that “some of the most beautiful gardens have all these different colors and shades, big plants, little plants, leafy plants, plants with little stubs on them, and that’s what makes it so beautiful, because of its diversity. But with all of that, you might have to water this one more, that one less, but the fact is they still need water. We talk about differences and sameness.”
For what in-person school will look like in the fall, Davis can’t say. She doesn’t know what the School District will decide regarding staggered schedules and transportation, or what the conditions will be at Dick. Whatever happens, her children, she hopes, will not only observe social distancing and hand-washing rules, but absorb deeper lessons.
“I’m going to go back, Lord willing, if the Lord lets me. I don’t know from here to there, but that’s what I’m praying and planning to do.”