Cindy Zipf is executive director of Clean Ocean Action, which has carried out beach sweeps at the beginning and end of beach season since 1985. They’ve collected nearly 8.5 million items of trash, recycling what can be reprocessed. She called the report a “guilt list of our region’s worst littering ways.”
“It’s hard to fathom,” she said. “From the quirky to the funny to really just plain gross, you just can’t make this stuff up.”
Nearly 80% of the total haul was plastic in some form. Bottle caps and lids accounted for over 13% of the total haul, followed by food and candy wrappers or bags, miscellaneous plastic pieces, cigarette butts and more than 10,000 plastic straws or beverage stirrers.
But others could only be described as head-scratching, particularly considering that they were left behind on a public beach.
Take, for instance, the ample supply of auto parts. These included an automobile gas tank, four car batteries, a bumper, an air compressor and 24 tires.