Therapy and self-care
For those brand new to the world of therapy, the terminology may be confusing. Psychologists are trained at the doctor level, and are trained to offer therapy; psychiatrists are medical doctors, physicians, and tend to prescribe medication. But there are also a host of other qualified people who do therapy, including licensed professional counselors, licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists, and others. “I think it’s really deciding what you’re looking for,” said Campbell, who is a licensed psychologist.
What about those who would rather seek help from spiritual leaders?
“That’s a great question,” said Roche, who does mental health advocacy work in the church. “I definitely feel strongly that spirituality plays a major part in what we could consider healing — not therapy, but healing — and so if someone is spiritual, if someone has their practices, I would never say don’t lean on that.”
What she would recommend is adding to it with a psychologist or psychiatrist, to attend to both spiritual and mental health. “In the same way, if you had a physical ailment, you would go to your pastor or your spiritual leader and ask them to pray for you, I would hope that that wouldn’t negate going to a doctor as well,” Roche said.
At the end of the day, Campbell said, “Therapy is a way to cope with problems. People cope with problems in all different kinds of ways: Some people drink, some people use drugs, some people overeat, some people spend a lot of money. So if we really frame therapy as, ‘This is just another way, this is a healthy way that you’re choosing to cope with a problem,’ I think it’s helpful.”
In the middle of a pandemic, tense national politics and tragedies both local and national, the media themselves can become a trigger point for mental health, said Norris — who self-identifies as a “news junkie.”
What can people do to balance their media diet so that they’re informed, but not triggered?
“Boundaries,” Andrews responded almost instantly. “Boundaries and limits. Watch the news, be informed, but know that you need to take a break from it … it’s always good to be informed, but I don’t think that we have to have our notifications on our phones all the time, breaking news, things like that.”
Roundtree seconded the notification recommendation, adding that limited phone use can be useful. Campbell said she often recommends that her clients limit themselves to an hour or so: “You watch a half-hour of the local news, a half-hour of the national news, and by that point they’re just repeating themselves.”
The experts also fielded a range of other questions:
How to stay purposeful in a pandemic? Be creative, explore new projects or passions; practice affirmations, if that works for you (Andrews has a book of “Monday motivation”). Check in with yourself and your own boundaries, learn to state what you want and need (Roche calls this “the value in being kind to yourself”).
How to manage isolation vs. solitude? Know that solitude can often be restful. Engage with nature and lean into activity. Recognize when isolation becomes unhealthy or lonely. Check in on your own feelings.
How to get better sleep? Turn off electronics like television, laptops and phones. Build routines and try to regulate your eating and sleep schedule if possible. Don’t make a habit of doing tasks while still in bed. (“You want the bed associated with sleep and sex.” said Campbell, “that’s it”.)
How to maintain mental health as a parent, while helping kids manage their own? Check in and “be open to talking, even when they are not” as consistently as possible, Roche said.
Tips for elders and those living alone? Write letters; teach older folks how to use video chat or text. When possible, pets and plants can help to simply fill a space with living things, Campbell said.
Most of all, prioritize self-care and “be unapologetic about it,” Andrews said. “Communicating that in a way that people understand, not over-explaining yourself … but being unapologetic about our boundaries, because we owe it to ourselves.”
“I think we as Black people, we get a lot of messages about what we’re supposed to do for other people, how we’re supposed to be involved and engaged, and a number of different things,” said Campbell. One thing that can help, she said, is creating self-care goals: making a certain amount of time for walking, meditation, etc., that automatically creates boundaries around the time you’ve carved out for essential self-care.
The habits of centering others can be difficult to unlearn, Roundtree said. But so can a lot of things associated with mental health, Roche added: “We’re unlearning so many things that we’ve been conditioned to do. I’m so happy for these types of discussions, because we do have to get to a point where we’re normalizing taking care of ourselves first.”
Since Roche began caring for herself — focusing on her health, becoming unapologetic about her boundaries and practices, she said — “I’m able to do so much more for everyone else, because everything that I’m giving is overflow. My cup is filled, so that overflow is what everyone else gets, instead of my trying to pour out from an empty cup.”
That’s the importance of prioritizing your mental health in the midst of a pandemic.