
Hundreds of Afghan evacuees stream through Philadelphia airport

A sign at Philadelphia International Airport welcomes evacuees to the U.S. (City of Philadelphia)

Evacuees from Afghanistan are still arriving in the U.S. via Philadelphia International Airport.

Close to 900 people arrived over the weekend, including 505 on Saturday and 378 on Sunday, and several hundred more are expected throughout Monday, the city said.

The process is primarily being handled on the federal level, and Philly officials stress, the situation is still fluid. But as these Afghans stream through the city’s airport, the officials say one thing is certain: they need translators to make sure things go smoothly.

Specifically, they’re looking for people who speak Dari, Pashto, Urdu, and Farsi.

Anyone who wants to volunteer has to first sign up as a member of the Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps, a group that provides assistance during public health emergencies. Applications can be submitted through the state’s emergency volunteer registry.

People interested in helping can also donate money to vetted groups like the Nationalities Services Center and HIAS Pennsylvania.

The coast guard’s Atlantic Strike Team in New Jersey has also made a list of material goods that might help — and HIAS is accepting in-kind donations.


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