At the briefing, Farley detailed the rise in cases in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and neighboring New Jersey. Philadelphia had 268 new cases on Monday, and the past week’s average of nearly 200 cases a day is the highest it has been since mid-May, he said.
“We may be entering a dangerous period with this virus,” Farley said.
Still, he added, “It is important for children to be in school” for their short-term and long-term mental health.
“Having talked to some people whose children have been back in school, they say that their children’s mental health has brightened up tremendously,” he said. “We also have a lot of other health problems in this city right on up to homicides, and having children not in school, having teenagers not in school, doesn’t help those other problems.”
Hite’s plan calls for some older students – ninth graders and those in career and technical education programs with minimums of hands-on hours required for certification – to go back in January. But he has also left open the possibility that third through eighth graders and 10th graders through 12th graders may not return to in-person learning at all this school year.
“I think it is important for us to try to make it work in schools … and I think that if they are really vigilant about safety measures, they can do so safely,” Farley said.
One particular area of concern has been whether the schools can be properly ventilated. All buildings are being checked for safe “air balancing,” Hite has said, but so far the district has only been sharing how many schools have been evaluated, not the details of the reports. Hite promised that the reports, including safe capacity levels for each school building, would be available this week – presumably before the board is scheduled to vote. At a committee meeting on Oct. 15, several board members also shared their concerns about ventilation.
Hite had originally planned to open schools for some in-person learning in September, which Farley had also said would be safe. But he retreated from that plan after an outcry against it at the July school board meeting.