How a Broadway superhero faced a life-threatening diagnosis
When Jake Odmark was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, his career took a back seat. But accepting the diagnosis led to a more stable future.
3 years ago
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(Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels)
Getting the right diagnosis can be life-changing. It can mean the end of pain and the beginning of answers; it can mean treatment, a cure — or at least a path forward; or it can just mean validation for everything a patient has been through.
Diagnosis is at the heart of medicine — and yet it seems like it often goes wrong. Patients sometimes wait months or even years for answers. They suffer through endless tests, ineffective treatments, overlooked issues — or straight-up misdiagnoses. And for some patients, answers never come at all.
On today’s episode, we travel down the long and winding road to diagnosis. We get an inside look at how diagnoses are made, what they mean to and for patients, and the challenges doctors face in getting them right.
We hear about the dangers of too much testing, the debate over “gaming disorder,” and a medical mystery from The New York Times columnist Lisa Sanders.
Also heard on this week’s episode: