
Earth’s ‘Fragile Moment’ with Michael Mann, Latest on Irizarry Police Shooting

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Photo credit: Joshua Yospyn

This summer was the Earth’s hottest on record. University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann joins us to talk about our warming planet and why, despite the doomsday projections, he is remains hopeful. His new book, Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth’s Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis, looks at past climate shifts on Earth and the lessons we can draw for today. We’ll talk with him about our warming planet, what can be done to slow it, the politics that get in the way, and much more.

A municipal judge has dismissed charges against Officer Mark Dial, the Philadelphia police officer who fatally shot Eddie Irizarry while he was sitting in his car last month. In agreement with the defense, the court ruled that prosecutors did not present enough evidence of a crimes including first-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter. We’ll get the latest from Philadelphia Inquirer criminal justice reporter Chris Palmer.


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