
Wind farms along the coastline: Clean energy solution or eyesore?

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New funding in N.J. will be used to research offshore wind turbines, like these in Copenhagen, Denmark, and whether marine mammals are impacted by activities associated with turbine construction projects. (Courtesy of Willett Kempton)

Offshore wind farms are back on the table for New Jersey and now look likely for Delaware, too. Shell plans to build turbines just off the shore in Atlantic City. In Delaware, a bill is on the Governor’s desk awaiting signage. But while many residents welcome the benefits of wind-generated clean energy, others living along the coast have raised concerns about the environmental impact and how turbines will spoil ocean views. We ask: Are offshore wind farms good for our region? With us are Robin Shaffer, President of Protect Our Coast New Jersey, and Ed Potosnak, Director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.


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