Election 2024 updates: Trump wins presidential race; GOP sweeps Pa. row offices
4 months ago
Voters stand in line while waiting for a polling place to open, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, in Springfield, Pa. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)
Pennsylvania voters on Tuesday will decide whether to keep Democrats in control of the state House and maintain the Republican state Senate’s majority, along with deciding who should be running state offices that prosecute crimes, handle billions in public money and keep a watch on how that money is spent.
The state House had been under Republican control for more than a decade when redrawn district lines helped Democrats claim the narrowest of possible margins two years ago, giving them a 102-101 majority. The entire House is up for election, as is half the state Senate, where the GOP currently has a 28-22 majority.
Democrats would need to hold all of their seats and would likely need to flip Republican-held districts in Harrisburg, Erie and west of downtown Pittsburgh.
The so-called row office positions are attorney general, auditor general and treasurer.
Republican Treasurer Stacy Garrity of Athens in rural Bradford County and Republican Auditor General Tim DeFoor of Harrisburg are both seeking second terms. Garrity’s challenger is Erin McClelland from the Pittsburgh area, while DeFoor faces Democrat Malcolm Kenyatta, a state representative from Philadelphia.
Incumbent Attorney General Michelle Henry was appointed to fill an unexpired term and she’s not running to keep the job. The race for the state’s top law enforcement job pits York County District Attorney Dave Sunday, a Republican, against former state Auditor General, Eugene DePasquale, a Democrat.
Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.