Ray Cantor, an official with the New Jersey Business and Industry Association, said businesses are constantly working to reduce the amount of packing materials they use, and to increase the amount of recyclables they utilize. He called the bill “unrealistic” and “not workable.”
“It totally ignores the 40 years of work and systems that has made New Jersey one of the most successful recycling states in the nation,” he said. “It bans a host of chemicals without any scientific basis. And it would ban the advanced recycling of plastics, the most promising new technology to recycle materials that currently are thrown away.”
His organization defined advanced recycling as “using high temperatures and pressure, breaking down the chemicals in plastics and turning them back into their base chemicals, thus allowing them to be reused to make new plastics as if they were virgin materials.”
Brooke Helmick, policy director for the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, said advanced recycling can be “very, very dangerous.” It can lead to the release of toxic chemicals, cause fires, create the risk of chemical leaks, and create large volumes of hazardous materials including benzene that are then incinerated, she said.
The bill would require the state Department of Environmental Protection to study the state’s recycling market and calculate the cost of upgrading it to handle the increased recycling of packaging materials.
It would require that by 2032, the amount of single-use packaging products used in the state be reduced by 25%, at least 10% of which would have to come from shifting to reusable products or eliminating plastic components.
By 2034, all packaging products used in the state would have to be compostable or recyclable, and by 2036, the recycling rate of packaging products in New Jersey would have to be at least 65%.