Five pairs of plovers were found at the Point at Cape Henlopen State Park and another 16 pairs nested at Fowler Beach on Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge further north along Delaware’s coast. Fowler Beach has become a much more popular nesting site in recent years following repairs to a dune breach at the refuge.
“The restoration project was actually never really designed for beach-nesting species, which is quite comical actually that it ended up being so successful,” Bellman said. But intentional or not, she said the restoration created ideal conditions for plovers. “Before, most of our breeding pairs have been predominantly down at Cape Henlopen. This basically added the amount of area to support piping plovers. So a few came in 2016, and as they were successful, more and more birds arrived.”
Piping plovers have high site-fidelity, meaning they will frequently return to nesting grounds where they’ve had success in previous years. That’s helped the number of nests in the state break records for the past three years.
There’s been growing success elsewhere, too. In 2019, there were more than 2,000 nesting pairs across the Atlantic coast. That’s another species recovery goal for the birds.
But despite the success, Bellman warns that piping plovers will likely need protection to survive.
“Piping plovers and a lot of the coastal breeding species will require assistance from us, at local level, in Delaware, but also across the Atlantic coast to make sure that those species remain protected,” she said. The birds will continue to see their habitats threatened by development.
“It’s a step in the right direction and it looks really positive, but we shouldn’t get complacent about that.”