
The Value of Emotional Intelligence

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(Marc Brackett, founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence)

Generally speaking, when we use the word intelligent we are referring to IQ or cognitive strengths. That’s the ability to process and understand information and use it to generate new knowledge.

But what about EQ or emotional intelligence? That’s the ability to manage and express one’s feelings and recognize feelings in others. It turns out there are different kinds of intelligence.

On The Connection this week we talk about what it takes to recognize, understand, express and regulate your emotional life. We’ll look at how it connects you with yourself and others and how we can use it to make a better world.

Our guest Marc Brackett says that being an “emotional scientist” is a good place to start. Brackett is a psychologist and the founding director of the Center for Emotional Intelligence at Yale University. He’s the author of Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help our Kids, Our Selves and Our Society.


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