
Kelsey McKinney on our obsession with gossip

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Photo Credit: Ashley Gellman

Don’t repeat. Pass it on. Spill the tea. Shhhh. We are a culture infatuated with gossip. From celebrity scandals to drama with our friends, family, and co-workers, it can be hard to resist a juicy rumor. Gossiping can be a fun way to connect, distract, and feel included. But it might also come with regret and even harm the people we’re talking about.

In her new book, You Didn’t Hear This From Me, Kelsey McKinney wrestles with the pros, cons, and ethics of gossip. As the founding host of the hit podcast Normal Gossip, the Philly-based author says it’s time to stop looking down on gossipers, and instead look at the nuances of a universal human habit with a rich history. 

On this episode of Studio 2, we discuss our obsession with gossip.


Kelsey McKinney – founding host of the podcast Normal Gossip and author. Her latest book is You Didn’t Hear This From Me: (Mostly) True Notes on Gossip.


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