The units where the women will be housed are separate and secure from the male population at PICC and services will also follow the women to their new location.
The move will also expand the number of visitation slots for the women, Carney said.
“The female population had 36 slots per day to visit. This transfer will increase that to 60 slots per day Monday through Friday. “
Moving the women gives the prisons an opportunity to move the younger incarcerated population to the area where the women were formerly housed, giving them a place of their own, Carney said.
The decision will consolidate the youthful population in a smaller area, but a statement from the Department of Prisons says the space will be able to handle any increase in their census.
“We’re continuously looking at the population, managing it, making sure that we are housing individuals safely, efficiently, and doing it in a fiscal responsible manner,” Carney said. “So I think this is going to really be good for the women that we can increase these visiting slots. I know how important it is for incarcerated people to maintain contact with their loved ones. So just the fact that we can increase those visiting slots. That’s an initial win right off the bat here with this transfer.”
The transfers should be complete by the end of the week.