A state lawmaker has been sentenced in Dauphin County for a drunk driving arrest this spring.
The April DUI was the second one for which Representative John Galloway, a Bucks County Democrat, had been convicted. He had a blood alcohol level of around .16.
That puts him in the highest BAC category—though according to his court record, the lawmaker pled to a lesser charge and was sentenced for having a BAC in the middle range.
Dauphin County District Attorney Fran Chardo noted Galloway is not the first lawmaker convicted for drunk driving around Harrisburg.
He said elected official or not, the Democrat’s punishment is standard.
“There was not an agreed-upon sentence,” Chardo said. “Our court dealt with it as they would any other defendant, and I’m not even sure the judge would have known it was a lawmaker.”
Galloway is faced with a month of house arrest, five more of probation, a suspended license, and 50 hours of community service.
That’s along with a $750 fine plus court costs, and finishing out a 90-day drug and alcohol program.
The House Democratic Caucus declined to make a statement on Galloway’s sentencing, and a spokesperson for Galloway didn’t return a request for comment either.
In a statement to Levittown Now, he said he apologizes for the incident and wants to put it behind him.