
Protecting digital privacy post-Roe

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(Unsplash photo/Jonas Leupe)

Many of us have become complacent about online tracking and data mining – it’s something we’ve accepted for the convenience of using internet search engines, our smartphones, and apps. But in the post-Roe landscape, where abortion is now illegal in many states, there’s growing concern that women’s most private information is at risk and that it could be collected and used by law enforcement or abortion rights opponents. It’s also making many people reconsider the digital privacy we’ve sacrificed.

This hour, we look at the privacy issues in the wake of the abortion decision, how our online activities are tracked, mined, and sold and how law enforcement or private actors could use it against us. We’ll also discuss the best ways to protect your data online and look at what government and companies can do to make our personal information personal once more.


Alexandra Givens, CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology. @AlexReeveGivens

Kashmir Hill, New York Times technology reporter. @kashhill

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New York Times, Deleting Your Period Tracker Won’t Protect You -Tweets telling women to do that went viral after Roe v. Wade was overturned, but experts say other digital data are more likely to reveal an illegal abortion.

PBS, Why some fear that big tech data could become a tool for abortion surveillance -“In the digital age, this decision opens the door to law enforcement and private bounty hunters seeking vast amounts of private data from ordinary Americans,” said Alexandra Reeve Givens, the president and CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology, a Washington-based digital rights nonprofit”.

The Verge, The Biggest Privacy Risks in Post-Roe America – Our best advice for staying safe while you’re seeking abortion care

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