A worker hands a piece of lead pipe to a colleague as they work to remove water service lines Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020 in Trenton, N.J. The city announced it is replacing 37,000 lead pipes over five years as part of an an effort to remove the potentially harmful pipes. (AP Photo/Mike Catalini)
New Jersey’s attorney general and environmental protection department have announced a lawsuit against Trenton and its water utility calling for improvements to the city’s water system, including reducing the risk of lead and pathogens in drinking water.
The suit said Trenton Water Works earlier agreed to replace thousands of lead service lines and cover a finished water reservoir, among other things, but had missed critical deadlines.
The utility said it doesn’t comment on litigation but has made “substantial progress” in reorganization and capital plans including “improving filtration systems, water storage, water distribution, personnel and customer service.”