Shapiro visits Temple Health to promote budget proposals to tackle nurse shortage
The governor’s plan tackles the growing nursing shortage by paying students part of their tuition back if they stay in Pennsylvania to work.
2 days ago
(Jonathan Weiss/BigStock)
New Jersey will provide $9.5 million to women’s health organizations across the state, including Planned Parenthood, that have seen a reduction in their federal funding.
The new state funding came in response to a rule imposed by the Trump administration that blocked recipients of Title X funding, such as Planned Parenthood, from referring patients to abortion providers.
Rather than complying with the rule, which some critics viewed as a violation of medical best practices, many organizations gave up their Title X federal funding.
Democratic lawmakers in New Jersey proposed legislation to fill that gap with state money, which Murphy supported.
“We’re making a conscious decision to stand with Planned Parenthood, and with all who support reproductive rights,” said Gov. Phil Murphy at a bill signing on Thursday, “and to stop President Trump from harming our fellow New Jerseyans.”
Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver said the health care services that women’s health organizations offer go well beyond providing abortions, and include things from cancer screenings to family planning.
“Women’s health care and reproductive rights are not just the A-word,” Oliver said.
A federal lawsuit over the Trump administration rule is ongoing.