We are bringing journalism back to what it must be for the sake of our Democracy: A check on powerful people and institutions, a beacon of accountability and transparency, and a trusted source to explain how and why things happen, and what they mean for your life.
Your support makes this public service possible. As a nonprofit, we depend on readers like you to ensure Spotlight PA can continue to produce tough, unique reporting you won’t find anywhere else, and to make it available at no cost as a public benefit and a public good.
Access to quality information is the bedrock of a strong Democracy, and today, in honor of Democracy Day, I’m hoping you’ll take action to ensure Spotlight PA’s reporting can continue by making a tax-deductible contribution in support of our work at spotlightpa.org/donate.
As a special bonus, and for a limited time, all gifts in support of Spotlight PA’s work will be matched dollar-for dollar — doubling your gift — by The Lenfest Institute for Journalism.
The good of our communities, our state, and our Republic depends on free and unfettered public access to trusted, accurate information about what’s happening, why, and how to drive positive change. And you can do your part to ensure that happens by making a gift now.
We can’t leave the future of journalism and our Democracy at the whims of the economy and bottom lines. Our future depends on something better, but that will take our shared support and commitment.
Christopher Baxter is the CEO & President of Spotlight PA, a nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom producing investigative and public-service journalism for Pennsylvania. Support Spotlight PA at spotlightpa.org/donate or mail a check to: Spotlight PA, PO Box 11728, Harrisburg, PA 17108
Spotlight PA is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit newsroom producing investigative and public-service journalism that holds the powerful to account and drives positive change in Pennsylvania.